Green investments. Investment to the future.
RPR GROUP deals with the acquisition of land for small, medium and large investors in the field of photovoltaics, logistics, trade and housing. In this area, we accomplish:
- “on-request” purchase of land for the construction of photovoltaic farms or logistics centers,
- “on-request” purchase of land for the construction of shopping centers or construction of houses and apartments,
- transaction brokerage processes,
- transaction service processes.
Sale and lease of green real estate
RPR GROUP buys and sells real estate intended for investment activities in the area of green investments. Real estate accumulated in the company’s resources may be sold or be available under long-term lease:
- investors who intend for the implementation of development projects in the field of photovoltaics
- logistic operators and companies who operate in the field of logistics,
- energy companies operating on the photovoltaic market,
- sales networks,
- housing developers.